The Tech Whisperer
By Jaspreet BindraPublished by: Penguin Random House
Companies across the world are being submerged in new technologies, disruptive business models and startup innovations. Business leaders know that they need to adopt these new technologies like Artificial Intelligence, Machine Language, and Internet of Things, The Blockchain etc. to function affectively and offer customer satisfaction. The CEOs and top business leaders are aware that they need to adopt these technologies so as to know their customers better, to respond to their needs faster, to innovate new products for them etc. Therefore, there is an urgent need to understand the basic principles of digital transformation and the enabling technologies that would enable this shift.
The Tech Whisperer is authored by Jaspreet Bindra, a leading expert in many areas of digital transformation and who has vast industry experience as well. The publication demystifies and simplifies emerging technologies like AI, Blockchain, IOT, and Virtual Realities and throws light on their implementations.
The book also provides good guidance for people looking to pick up the threads on tech developments over the last few years.
The treatment on Blockchain is comprehensive. Blockchain adaptation by Indian businesses would be an affective de-risking measure whose time has come.
Another unique feature of this book is a whole chapter (Chapter 13) written by AI on its own history, its evolution as well as a description of itself and how it can help businesses. All in all, a very interesting read!