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Birla Institute of Management Technology has been conferred with the prestigious Category 1 Graded Autonomy Status by the AICTE in February 2020. BIMTECH this stamp of recognition further reinforces its commitment to foster an intellectually vibrant environment whereby Standalone Institutions transform into Institutions of Global excellence. There is a growing demand for a skilled workforce in the private sector. Many industries are forced to turn towards better-run institutes under the private sector to meet their requirements for a skilled workforce with the advancement in technology, which could enable them to strive in the international market.

BIMTECH which is 35 years old premier B-school endeavors to recreate the essence of the Post Graduate Diploma in Management by the Centre of online studies (COOLS).

COOLS is a part of BIMTECH to promote online higher education in and outside India through collective apparatus of On-line Teaching, Learning, and Research. It also aims to impart the best theoretical Knowledge, Analytical & Technical Skills to produce better future professionals.

BIMTECH's Vision

Developing ethical leaders with entrepreneurial and global mindset striving for sustainability and inclusive growth.

BIMTECH's Mission

  • To be the preferred choice for students, faculty, and recruiters.
  • To create and disseminate knowledge in the global context.
  • To imbibe entrepreneurial culture through curriculum, pedagogy, research & mentoring.
  • To equip students for global business leadership.
  • To develop faculty as global thought leaders.
  • To ingrain ethics, sustainability, and inclusive growth in all its activities.